About Charaforio
Charaforio Common Terms of UseThese "Charaforio Common Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") apply to all users (hereinafter referred to as "Users") of the UGC submission service "Charaforio" (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by Sanrio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). Chapter 1: Introduction Article 1: Definitions The terms used in these Terms are defined as follows: "The Company" refers to Sanrio Co., Ltd. "The Service" refers to the UGC submission service "Chara...
Prohibited Content GuidelinesSanrio Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes its social responsibility for Charaforio (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") and establishes these Prohibited Conduct Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as "the Guidelines") to ensure the sound and smooth operation of the Service. Article 1: Purpose of the GuidelinesThese guidelines are established by the company and may be amended at the company's discretion according to changes in society or the environment. For ...
Privacy Notice regarding Charaforio1. About this notice In this notice, we provide you with information related to the processing of your personal data. This notice sets out the basis on which any personal data that you provide to us, or that we obtain about you from other sources, will be processed by us. Please take the time to read and fully understand this notice. 2. Information about us For the purposes of data protection law, Sanrio Company, Ltd. (“we”, “us,” and “our”) is a data controller in respect of your person...
IP Registration Individual Terms and ConditionsThese "IP Registration Individual Terms and Conditions" (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Terms") define the terms and conditions related to the registration of IPs among the functions of the Service. Chapter 1: Introduction Article 1: Definitions The meanings of terms used in these Individual Terms are defined as follows. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the meanings of terms not defined in these Individual Terms shall follow the Charaforio General Terms of Use (defined in Item 1)...
Cookie PolicyWe use cookies for a variety of purposes set forth in this Cookie Policy. Cookies are small files that are stored on your end device. Cookies that are set by us are called first-party cookies. You can prevent cookies from being saved, using the Cookies Settings available on each page of this website. You can also prevent cookies from being saved on your end device by setting your browser to not accept cookies. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set...
特定商取引法に基づく表記(Charaforio)事業者の名称 株式会社サンリオ 代表者 代表取締役社長 辻󠄀 朋邦 通信販売を行うサイト Charaforio https://charaforio.com 住所 〒141-8603 東京都品川区大崎1-11-1 ※登記上の本店所在地は東京都品川区大崎1-6-1 電話番号 TEL:03-3779-8148 (土・日・祝日・年末年始を除く10:00~17:00) ※Charaforioの内容に関するお問い合わせにつきましては、お電話では対応できかねます。お手数ではございますが、下記お問い合わせ先からご連絡いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 ※PHS・IP電話からはご利用いただけません。 ※通話料がかかります。あらかじめご了承ください。 問い合わせ窓口 お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。 ※土日祝日を除く3営業日以内に返信いたします。 提供サービスおよび料金 サービス内に表示される価格となりますので、それぞれご参照ください。 料金以外に必要となる費用 提供サービスを利用するための機器に関する費用、インターネット接続料金、パケット通信料、電気通信回線...
What is "Charaforio"?"Charaforio" is a creative platform operated by Sanrio Co., Ltd., where fans and official entities can connect. Companies or individuals with series works can register their series as IPs and publish guidelines for fan creations. Creators can enjoy fan creation activities with peace of mind by following the fan creation guidelines displayed on the IP page. Fan-created works posted on Charaforio come with various features that support creators, such as receiving collaboration requests from off...
How Do You Pronounce "Charaforio"?It is pronounced as "Charaforio" (Kyarafo-rio). It is a coined term combining the words "character" and "portfolio," along with the name of the operating company, Sanrio.
Is Charaforio Free to Use?All basic features are available for free. In the future, we plan to implement features for handling paid projects on Charaforio and premium features that will enhance your experience.
Regarding Charaforio's Coverage in Magazines and Other MediaFor media coverage, such as interview requests or speaking engagements related to Charaforio, please use the corporate contact form. Contact Form for Corporations
I Couldn't Solve My Problem by Looking at the Help SectionIf you couldn't solve your problem by looking at the help section, please contact us using the inquiry form. Please note that depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take some time to respond or we may not be able to provide a reply. Inquiry Form